
I’m lead author of the refund package (CRAN; GitHub). I’ve made contributions to several functions in this package:


Together with Fabian Schiepl, I am an author of the tidyfun package. This package seeks to provide accessible and well-documented software that makes functional data analysis in R easy – specifically data wrangling and exploratory analysis.

The tidyfun webpage includes several illustrative vignettes, and this short overview is a quick place to get started.


I worked with Julia Wrobel on the refund.shiny package (CRAN; GitHub; paper).

Through the plot_shiny() function, this package produces interactive graphics for several of the most common functional data analyses:

This package is closely aligned with the refund package: analyses are conducted using functions in refund and return objects that can be plotted using refund.shiny::plot_shiny().

GitHub packages

Code for several projects has been developed on GitHub: