In the following, † denotes equal contribution and ‡ indicates a student under my supervision.
Yan, X., Goldsmith, J., Mohan, S., Turnbull, Z.A., Freundlich, R.E., Billings, F.T., Kiran, R.P., Li, G. and Kim, M. (2021). Impact of Intraoperative Data on Risk Prediction for Mortality After Intra-Abdominal Surgery. Anesthesia & Analgesia, 134 102-113.
Saith, S.E., Gamino, D., Teruya, S., Guadalupe, S., Helmke, S., De Los Santos, J., Goldsmith, J., Rosenblum, H.R., Griffin, J.M. and Maurer, M.S., (2021). Factors associated with changes in serum transthyretin after treatment with tafamidis and outcomes in transthyretin cardiac amyloidosis. Amyloid, 28 267-268.
Duran, A.T., Pascual, C.B., Goldsmith, J., Howard, V.J., Hutto, B., Colabianchi, N., Vena, J.E., McDonnell, M.N., Blair, S.N., Hooker, S.P. and Diaz, K.M. (2021). Objectively Measured Physical Activity and Sedentary Time Among Adults With and Without Stroke: A National Cohort Study. Stroke, 52 e729-e732.
Navas-Acien, A., Domingo-Relloso, A., Subedi, P., Riffo-Campos, A.L., Xia, R., Gomez, L., Haack, K., Goldsmith, J., Howard, B.V., Best, L.G. and Devereux, R., (2021). Blood DNA Methylation and Incident Coronary Heart Disease: Evidence From the Strong Heart Study. JAMA Cardiology, 6 1237-1246.
Johnson, C.N., Ramphal, B., Koe, E., Raudales, A., Goldsmith, J. and Margolis, A.E., (2021). Cognitive correlates of autism spectrum disorder symptoms. Autism Research, 14 2405-2411.
Margolis, A.E., Ramphal, B., Pagliaccio, D., Banker, S., Selmanovic, E., Thomas, L.V., Factor-Litvak, P., Perera, F., Peterson, B.S., Rundle, A. Herbstman, J.B., Goldsmith, J., and Rauh, V. (2021). Prenatal exposure to air pollution is associated with childhood inhibitory control and adolescent academic achievement. Environmental Research, 202 p 111570.
Nunez, Y., Boehme, A.K., Li, M., Goldsmith, J., Weisskopf, M.G., Re, D.B., Navas-Acien, A., van Donkelaar, A., Martin, R.V. and Kioumourtzoglou, M.A., (2021). Parkinson’s disease aggravation in association with fine particle components in New York State. Environmental Research, 201, p.111554.
Cornelius, T., Denes, A., Webber, K.T., Guest, C., Goldsmith, J., Schwartz, J.E., and Gorin, A.A. (2021). Relationship quality and objectively measured physical activity before and after implementation of COVID-19 stay-home orders. Journal of Health Psychology, DOI:13591053211042075.
C P Friel, C B Pascual, A T Duran, J Goldsmith, K M Diaz (2021). Joint associations of occupational standing and occupational exertion with musculoskeletal symptoms in a US national sample. Occupational and Environmental Medicine, 78, 494-499.
Rowland, S.T., Parks, R.M., Boehme, A.K., Goldsmith, J., Rush, J., Just, A.C. and Kioumourtzoglou, M.A., (2021). The association between ambient temperature variability and myocardial infarction in a New York-State-based case-crossover study: An examination of different variability metrics. Environmental Research, 197, p.111207.
McDonnell, E.I., Zipunnikov, V., Schrack, J.A., Goldsmith, J. and Wrobel, J., (2021). Registration of 24-hour accelerometric rest-activity profiles and its application to human chronotypes. Biological Rhythm Research, pp.1-21.
Krakauer, J.W., Kitago, T., Goldsmith, J., Ahmad, O., Roy, P., Stein, J., Bishop, L., Casey, K., Valladares, B., Harran, M.D. and Cortes, J.C. (2021). Comparing a Novel Neuroanimation Experience to Conventional Therapy for High-Dose Intensive Upper-Limb Training in Subacute Stroke: The SMARTS2 Randomized Trial. Neurorehabilitation and Neural Repair, 35, pp.393-405.
J Goldsmith, Y Sun, L Fried, J Wing, G W Miller, K Berhane (2021). The Emergence and Future of Public Health Data Science. Public Health Reviews, ** accepted.
Nunez, Y., Gibson, E.A., Tanner, E.M., Gennings, C., Coull, B.A., Goldsmith, J., and Kioumourtzoglou, M.A., (2021). Reflection on modern methods: good practices for applied statistical learning in epidemiology. International journal of epidemiology, 50, 685-693.
H Rosenblum, A Masri, D L Narotsky, J Goldsmith, N Hamid, R T Hahn, S Kodali, T Vahl, T Nazif, O K Khalique, S Bokhari, P Soman, J L Cavalcante, M S Maurer, A Castano Unveiling outcomes in coexisting severe aortic stenosis and transthyretin cardiac amyloidosis (2021). European Journal of Heart Failure, 23 250-258.
L R Mitrani, J De Los Santos, E Driggin, R Kogan, S Helmke, J Goldsmith, A B Biviano, M S Maurer (2021). Anticoagulation with warfarin compared to novel oral anticoagulants for atrial fibrillation in adults with transthyretin cardiac amyloidosis: comparison of thromboembolic events and major bleeding Amyloid, 28 30-34.
S Lovinsky-Desir, K H Jung, M Montilla, J Quinn, J Cahill, D Sheehan, F Perera, S N Chillrud, J Goldsmith, M Perzanowski, A Rundle, R Miller (2021). Locations of Adolescent Physical Activity in an Urban Environment and their Associations with Air Pollution and Lung Function. Annals of the American Thoracic Society, 18 84-92.
D. Backenroth\(^\ddagger\), R. T. Shinohara, J. A. Schrack, and J Goldsmith (2020). Non-negative decomposition of functional count data. Biometrics, 76 1273-1284. [Link]
J Wrobel\(^\ddagger\), ML Martin, R Bakshi, PA Calabresi, M Elliot, D Roalf, RC Gur, RE Gur, RG Henry, G Nair, J Oh, N Papinutto, D Pelletier, Daniel Salo Reich, WD Rooney, TD Satterthwaite, W Stern, K Prabhakaran, NL Sicotte, RT Shinohara, J Goldsmith (2020). Intensity warping for multisite MRI harmonization. NeuroImage, 223 117284.
D Pagliaccio, JB Herbstman, F Perera, D Tang, J Goldsmith, BS Peterson, V Rauh, AE and Margolis (2020). Prenatal exposure to polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons modifies the effects of early life stress on attention and Thought Problems in late childhood. Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry, 61 1253-1265.
J M Griffin, L Chiu, K M Axsom, R Bijou, K J Clerkin, P Colombo, M O
Cuomo, J De Los Santos, J A Fried, J Goldsmith, M
Habal, J Haythe, S Helmke, E M Horn, F Latif, S H Lee, E F Lin, Y Naka,
J Raikhelkar, S Restaino, G T Sayer, H Takayama, K Takeda, S Teruya, V
Topkara, E J Tsai, N Uriel, M Yuzefpolskaya, M A Farr, M S Maurer
(2020). United network for organ sharing outcomes after heart
transplantation for al compared to ATTR cardiac amyloidosis
Annals of the American Thoracic Society, 34 e14028.
M He, P Kinney, C Chen, Q Sun, J Ban, J Wang, S Liu, J Goldsmith, M-A Kioumourtzoglou (2020). Short- and intermediate- term exposure to NO2 and mortality: a multi-county analysis in China. Environmental Pollution, 261 114165.
E Driggin, S Helmke, J De Los Santos, S Teruya, S Guadalupe, J Goldsmith, M S Maurer (2020). Markers of nutritional status and inflammation in transthyretin cardiac amyloidosis: association with outcomes and the clinical phenotype. Amyloid, 27 73-80.
A. E. Margolis, J. Broitman, J. M. Davis, L. Alexander, A. Hamilton, Z. Liao, S. Banker, L. Thomas, G. A. Salum, K. Merikangis, J. Goldsmith, T. Paus, K. Keyes, M. P. Milham (2020). Prevalence Of Nonverbal Learning Disability In Three Community Samples JAMA Network Open, 3 e202551-e202551
E. A. Gibson, Y. Nunez, A. Abuawad, A. R. Zota, S. Renzetti, K. L. Devick, C. Gennings, J. Goldsmith, B. A. Coull, and M.-A. Kioumourtzoglou. (2019) An overview of methods to address distinct research questions on environmental mixtures: an application to persistent organic pollutants and leukocyte telomere length. Environmental Health, 18 76. [Link | PubMed | Article selected as NIEHS Extramural Paper of the Month]
R. Kundert, J. Goldsmith, J. Veerbeek, J. W. Krakauer, and A. R. Luft (2019). What the proportional recovery rule is (and is not): methodological and statistical considerations. Neurorehabilitation and Neural Repair, 33 876-887. [Link | PubMed]
A.G. Rundle, D. Gallagher, J. B. Herbstman, J. Goldsmith, D. Holmes, A. Hassoun, S. Oberfield, R. L. Miller, H. Andrews, E. M. Widen, L. A. Hoepner, and F. Perera (2019). Prenatal Exposure to Airborne Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons and Childhood Growth Trajectories from Age 5 to 14 Years. Environmental Research, 177 108595. [Link | PubMed]
J. Lee‡, G. Li, W. F. Christensen, G. Collins, M. Seeley, A. E. Bowden, D. T. Fullwood, and J. Goldsmith (2019). Functional Data Analyses of Gait Data Measured Using In-Shoe Sensors. Statistics in Biosciences, 11 288-313. [Link]
E. A. Gibson, J. Goldsmith, and M.-A. Kioumourtzoglou (2019+). Complex Mixtures, Complex Analyses: an Emphasis on Interpretable Results. Current Environmental Health Reports, accepted. [Link] | PubMed]
Y. Chen‡, J. Goldsmith, and R. T. Ogden (2019). Functional data analysis of dynamic PET data. Journal of the American Statistical Association, 114 595-609. [Link | PubMed]
J. Xu, M. Branscheidt, H. Schambra, L. Steiner, M. Widmer, J. Diedrichsen, J. Goldsmith, M. Lindquist, T. Kitago, A. R. Luft, J. W. Krakauer, P. A. Celnik, SMARTS Study Group (2019) Rethinking interhemispheric imbalance as a target for stroke neurorehabilitation. Annals of neurology, 85 502-513. [Link | PubMed]
J. Wrobel‡, V. Zipunnikov, J. Schrack, and J. Goldsmith (2019). Registration for exponential family functional data. Biometrics, 75 48-57. [Link]
R. Liu, R. C. Shelton, N. Eldred-Skemp, J. Goldsmith, and S. F. Suglia (2019) Early Exposure to Cumulative Social Risk and Trajectories of Body Mass Index in Childhood. Childhood Obesity, 15 48-55. [Link | PubMed]
Y. Chen‡, J. Goldsmith, and R. T. Ogden (2019). Nonlinear mixed-effects models for PET data. Transactions on Biomedical Engineering, 66 881-891. [Link | PubMed]
D. Backenroth‡, J. Goldsmith, M. D. Harran, J. C. Cortes, J. W. Krakauer, and T. Kitago (2018). Modeling motor learning using heteroskedastic functional principal components analysis. Journal of the American Statistical Association, 113 1003-1015. [Link | PubMed]
J. A. Woo Baidal, K. Morel, K. Nichols, E. Elbel, N. Charles, J. Goldsmith, L. Chen, and E. M. Taveras (2018+). Sugar-sweetened beverage attitudes and consumption during the first 1,000 days of life. American Journal of Public Health, 108 1659-1665. [Link | PubMed]
H. Rosenblum, A. Castano, J. Alvarez, J. Goldsmith, S. Helmke, M.S. Maurer (2018). TTR (Transthyretin) Stabilizers Are Associated With Improved Survival in Patients With TTR Cardiac Amyloidosis. Circulation: Heart Failure, 11 e004769. [Link | PubMed]
K. M. Diaz, D. J. Krupka, M. J. Chang, I. M. Kronish, N. Moise, J. Goldsmith, and J. E. Schwartz (2018). Wrist-based cut-points for moderate- and vigorous-intensity physical activity for the Actical accelerometer in adults. Journal of Sports Sciences, 36 206-212. [Link | PubMed]
K. M. Diaz, J. Goldsmith, H. Greenlee, G. Strizich, Q. Qi, Y. Mossavar-Rahmani, D. C. Vidot, C. Buelna, C. E. Brintz, T. Elfassy, L. C. Gallo, M. L. Daviglus, D. Sotres-Alvarez, R. C. Kaplan (2017). Prolonged, Uninterrupted Sedentary Behavior and Glycemic Biomarkers Among US Hispanic/Latino Adults Circulation, 136 1362-1373. [Link | PubMed]
M. S. Maurer, E. Horn, A. Reyentovich, V. V. Dickson, S. Pinney, D. Goldwater, N. E. Goldstein, O. Jimenez, S. Teruya, J. Goldsmith, S. Helmke, M. Yuzefpolskaya, and G. R Reeves (2017). Can a Left Ventricular Assist Devices in Advanced Systolic Heart Failure Improve or Reverse the Frailty Phenotype? Journal of the American Geriatrics Society, 65 2383-2390. [Link | PubMed]
J. C. Cortes†, J. Goldsmith†, M. Harran, J. Xu, N. Kim, A. R. Luft, P. Celnik, J. W. Krakauer, and T. Kitago (2017). A short and distinct time window for recovery of arm motor control after stroke revealed with a global measure of trajectory kinematics. Neurorehabilitation and Neural Repair, 31 552-560. [Link | PubMed]
M. Kronish, K. M. Diaz, J. Goldsmith, N. Moise, and J. E. Schwartz. Objectively measured adherence to physical activity guidelines after acute coronary syndrome (2017). Journal of the American College of Cardiology, 69 1205. [Link | PubMed]
J. Goldsmith and J. E. Schwartz. Variable Selection in the Functional Linear Concurrent Model (2017). Statistics in Medicine, 36 2237-2250. [Link | PubMed | GitHub]
A. L. Wong, J. Goldsmith, A. D. Forrence, A. M. Haith, and J. W. Krakauer (2017). Habitual selection of reaction times. eLife, 6 e28075. [Link]
P. T. Reiss, J. Goldsmith, H. L. Shang, and R. T. Ogden. Methods for Scalar-on-Function Regression (2017). International Statistical Review, 85 228-249. [Link | PubMed]
J. Gertheiss, J. Goldsmith, and A.-M. Staicu (2017). A note on modeling sparse exponential-family functional response curves. Computational Statistics and Data Analysis, 105 46-52. [Link | GitHub]
A. Castano, M. Haq, D. Narotsky, J. Goldsmith, R. L. Weinberg, R. Morgenstern, T. Pozniakoff, F. L. Ruberg, E. J. Miller, J. L. Berk, A. Dispenzieri, M. Grogan, G. Johnson, S. Bokhari, and M. S. Maurer (2016). Multicenter Experience of Planar Technetium Pyrophosphate Cardiac Imaging: Does Preferential Cardiac Uptake Predict Survival in Patients with ATTR Cardiac Amyloidosis? JAMA Cardiology, 1 880-889.
J. Goldsmith. vbvs.concurrent: Fitting Methods for the Functional Linear Concurrent Model (2016). The Journal of Open Source Software, 1. [Link | GitHub]
S. T. Sorge, D. C. Hesdorffer, J. C. Phelan, M. R. Winawer, S. Shostak, J. Goldsmith, W. K. Chung, R. Ottman (2016). Genetic causal attribution and depression in multiplex epilepsy families. Epilepsia, 57 1643-1650. [Link | PubMed]
A. L. Wong, J. Goldsmith, J Krakauer (2016). A motor planning stage represents the shape of upcoming movement trajectories. Journal of Neurophysiology, 116 296-305. [Link | PubMed]
J. Goldsmith, X. Liu‡, J. S. Jacobson, A. Rundle (2016). New insights into activity patterns in children, found using functional data analyses. Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise, 48 1723-1729. [Link | PDF | Code | PubMed]
J. Wrobel‡, S.Y. Park, A.M. Staicu, J. Goldsmith (2016). Interactive graphics for functional data analyses. Stat, 5 108-118. [arXiv | Link | GitHub | CRAN]
Y. Chen‡, J. Goldsmith, T. Ogden (2016). Variable Selection in Function-on-Scalar Regression. Stat, 5 88-101. [Link | PDF | Implemented in refund as fosr.vs()]
J. Goldsmith, T. Kitago (2016). Assessing Systematic Effects of Stroke on Motor Control using Hierarchical Function-on-Scalar Regression. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society: Series C, 65 215-236. [PDF | Link | Code | Shiny App]
C. B. Caminiti, D. C. Hesdorffer, S. Shostak, J. Goldsmith, S. T. Sorge, M. R. Winawer, J. C. Phelan, W. K. Chung, and R. Ottman (2016). Parents’ interest in genetic testing of their offspring in multiplex epilepsy families. Epilepsia, 57 279-287. [Link | PubMed]
K. M. Diaz, D. J Krupka, M. J. Chang, J. A. Schaffer, Y. Ma, J. Goldsmith, J. E. Schwartz, K. W. Davidson (2016). Validation of the Fitbit One for physical activity measurement at an upper torso attachment site. BMC Research Notes, 9 213. [Link | PubMed]
M. Abdalla, J. Goldsmith, P. Muntner, K. M. Diaz, K. Reynolds, J. E. Schwartz, D. Shimbo (2016). Is Isolated Nocturnal Hypertension a Reproducible Phenotype? American Journal of Hypertension, 29 33-38. [Link | PubMed]
T. Kitago†, J. Goldsmith†, M. Harran, L. Kane, J. Berard, S. Huang, S. Ryan, P. Mazzoni, J, Krakauer, and V. Huang (2015). Robotic therapy for chronic stroke: general recovery of impairment or improved task-specific skill? Journal of Neurophysiology, 114 1885-1894. [Link | PubMed] († denotes equal contribution)
J. Goldsmith, V. Zipunnikov, J. Schrack (2015). Generalized Multilevel Functional-on-Scalar Regression and Principal Component Analysis. Biometrics, 71 344-353. [Link | PubMed | Code | Shiny App]
U. M. Schambra, J. Goldsmith, H. M. Schambra, K. Nunleya, S. Harirforoosh, Y. Liu , and S. S. Moy (2015). Low and moderate prenatal ethanol exposure of mice during gastrulation or neurulation delays neurobehavioral development. Neurotoxicology and Teratology, 51 1-11. [Link | PubMed]
K. M. Diaz, D. J Krupka, M. J. Chang, J. Peacock, Y. Ma, J. Goldsmith, J. E. Schwartz, K. W. Davidson (2015). Fitbit: An accurate and reliable device for wireless physical activity tracking. International Journal of Cardiology, 185 138-140. [Link | PubMed]
C. Wang, S. Vine, A. Hsiao, A. Rundle, and J. Goldsmith (2015). Weight-Related Behaviors When Children are in School Versus on Summer Breaks: Does Income Matter? Journal of School Health, 85 458-466. [Link | PubMed]
M. Sabatello, J. Phelan, D. C. Hesdorffer, S. Shostak, J. Goldsmith, S. Sorge, M. Winawer, W. Chung, R. Ottman (2015). Genetic Causal Attribution of Epilepsy and its Implications for Felt Stigma. Epilepsia, 56 1542-1550. [Link | PubMed]
J. Goldsmith, L. Huang, C. M. Crainiceanu (2014). Smooth Scalar-on-Image Regression via Spatial Bayesian Variable Selection. Journal of Computational and Graphical Statistics, 23 46-64. [Link | PubMed]
J. Goldsmith, F. Scheipl (2014). Estimator Selection and Combination in Scalar-on-Function Regression. Computational Statistics and Data Analysis, 70 362-372. [Link | PDF | Code]
J. A. Schrack, V. Zipunnikov, J. Goldsmith, K. Bandeen-Roche, C. M. Crainiceanu, L. Ferrucci (2014). Estimating Energy Expenditure from Heart Rate in Older Adults: a Case for Calibration. PLoS One, 9 1-9. [Link | PubMed]
J. A. Schrack, V. Zipunnikov, J. Goldsmith, J. Bai, E. M. Simonsick, C. M. Crainiceanu, L. Ferrucci (2014). Assessing the “Physical Cliff”: Detailed Quantification of Aging and Physical Activity. Journal of Gerontology: Medical Sciences. 69 973-979. [Link | PubMed | Article selected as “Editor’s Choice”]
S. Vullaganti, J. Goldsmith, S. Teruya, J. Alvarez, S. Helmke, M. Maurer (2014). Cardiovascular effects of hemoglobin response in patients receiving epoetin alfa and oral iron in heart failure with a preserved ejection fraction. Journal of Geriatric Cardiology, 11 100-105. [Link | PubMed]
B. Swihart, J. Goldsmith, C. M. Crainiceanu. (2014). Restricted Likelihood Ratio Tests for Functional Effects in the Functional Linear Model. Technometrics, 56 483-493. [Link]
A. Hauschild, S. C. Chen, M. Weichenthal, A. Blum, H. C. King, J. Goldsmith, D. O. Scharfstein, D. Gutkowicz-Krusin (2014). To excise or not: impact of MelaFind on German dermatologists’ decisions to biopsy atypical lesions. JDDG: Journal der Deutschen Dermatologischen Gesellschaft, 12 606-614. [Link | PubMed]
J. O. Okeke, V. E. Tangel, S. T. Sorge, D. C. Hesdorffer, M. R. Winawer, J. Goldsmith, J. Phelan, W. Chung, S. Shostak, R. Ottman (2014). Genetic Testing Preferences in Families Containing Multiple Individuals with Epilepsy. Epilepsia, 55 1705-1713. [Link | PubMed]
G. S. Lovasi, J. Goldsmith (2014). Invited commentary: Taking advantage of time-varying neighborhood environments. American Journal of Epidemiology, DOI: 10.1093/aje/kwu170. [Link | PubMed]
N. Cyrille, J. Goldsmith, J. Alvarez, M. S. Maurer (2014). Prevalence and Prognostic Significance of Low QRS Voltage Among the Three Main Types of Cardiac Amyloid. American Journal of Cardiology, 114 1089-1093. [Link | PubMed]
R. T. Shinohara, E. M. Sweeny, J. Goldsmith, N. Shiee, F. J. Mateen, P. A. Calabresi, S. Jarso, D. L. Pham, D. S. Reich, C. M. Crainiceanu (2014). Statistical Normalization Techniques for Magnetic Resonance Imaging. NeuroImage: Clinical, 6 9-19 [Link | PubMed]
J. Goldsmith, S. Greven, C. M. Crainiceanu (2013). Corrected Confidence Bands for Functional Data Using Principal Components. Biometrics, 69 41-51. [Link | PubMed]
J. Gertheiss, J. Goldsmith, C. M. Crainiceanu, S. Greven. (2013). Longitudinal Scalar-on-Functions Regression with Application to Tractography Data. Biostatistics. 14 447-461. [Link | PubMed]
H. Sorensen, J. Goldsmith, L. Sangalli. (2013). An Introduction with Medical Applications to Functional Data Analysis. Statistics in Medicine. 32 5222-5240. [Link | PubMed]
L. Huang, J. Goldsmith, P. T. Reiss, D. S. Reich, C. M. Crainiceanu. (2013). Bayesian Scalar-on-Image Regression with Application to Association Between Intracranial DTI and Cognitive Outcomes. NeuroImage. 83 210-223. [Link | PubMed]
F. J. Leyva, R. P. Bakshi, E. J. Fuchs, L. Li, B. S. Caffo, J. Goldsmith, Y. Du, J. P. Leal, L. A. Lee, M. S. Torbenson, C. W. Hendrix (2013). Iso-osmolar enemas demonstrate preferential gastrointestinal distribution, safety, and acceptability compared with hyper- and hypo-osmolar enemas as a potential delive AIDS Research and Human Retroviruses. 29 1487-1495. [Link | PubMed]
J. Goldsmith, C. M. Crainiceanu, B. S. Caffo, D. S. Reich (2012). Longitudinal Penalized Functional Regression for Cognitive Outcomes on Neuronal Tract Measurements. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society: Series C, 61 453-469. [Link | PubMed | Simulation Code]
T. Shinohara, J. Goldsmith, F. Mateen, D. S. Reich, C. M. Crainiceanu (2012). Predicting Breakdown of the Blood-Brain Barrier in Multiple Sclerosis Without Contrast Agents. American Journal of Neuroradiology, 33 1586-1590. [Link | PubMed]
J. Bai, J. Goldsmith, B. S. Caffo, T. Glass, C. M. Crainiceanu (2012). Movelets: A Dictionary of Movement. Electronic Journal of Statistics, 6 559-578. [Link | PubMed]
N. Louissant, S. Nimmagadda, R. Bakshi, Y. Du, K. Macura, K. King, R. Wahl, J. Goldsmith, B. S. Caffo, Y.-J. Cao, J. Anderson, E. Fuchs, C. W. Hendrix (2012). Distribution of Cell-free and Cell-associated HIV Surrogates in the Female Genital Tract following Simulated Vaginal Intercourse. Journal of Infectious Diseases, 205 725-732. [Link | PubMed]
N. Louissant, S. Nimmagadda, E. Fuchs, R. Bakshi, Y. Cao, L. Lee, J. Goldsmith, B. S. Caffo, Y. Du, K. King, F. Menendez, M. Torbenson, C. W. Hendrix (2012). Distribution of Cell-free and Cell-associated HIV Surrogates in the Colon following Simulated Receptive Anal Intercourse. Journal of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndromes, Basic and Translational Science, 59 10-17. [Link | PubMed]
J. Goldsmith, J. Bobb, C. M. Crainiceanu, B. S. Caffo, D. S. Reich (2011). Penalized Functional Regression. Journal of Computational and Graphical Statistics, 20 830-851. [Link | PubMed | Simulation Code]
J. Goldsmith, C. M. Crainiceanu, B. S. Caffo, D. S. Reich (2011). Penalized Functional Regression Analysis of White-Matter Tract Profiles in Multiple Sclerosis. NeuroImage, 57 431-439. [Link | PubMed]
J. Goldsmith, B. S. Caffo, C. M. Crainiceanu, D. Reich, Y. Du, C. W. Hendrix (2011). Nonlinear Tube-Fitting for the Analysis of Anatomical and Functional Structures. Annals of Applied Statistics, 5 337-363. [Link | PubMed]
J. Goldsmith, M. P. Wand, and C. M. Crainiceanu (2011). Functional Regression via Variational Bayes. Electronic Journal of Statistics, 5 572-602. [Link | PubMed | Simulation Code]
C. M. Crainiceanu, J. Goldsmith (2010). Bayesian Functional Data Analysis using WinBUGS. Journal of Statistical Software, 32 1-33. [Link | PubMed]
J. Goldsmith, L. Koss (2009). Dynamical Properties of the Derivative of the Weierstrass Elliptic Function. Involve, 2 267-288. [Link | pdf]