This page contains a combination of traditional lecture materials (slides) and code demonstrating the relevant methods. The short course will proceed by working through both. We will use several recent packages in our examples; see the About page for information about the package versions.


Practical example

Due to a lack of publicly available and easy-to-implement code for scalar-on-image regression, we focus on methods for the functional linear concurrent model.

The snippet below simulates a simple example which we will use for illustration.

## set design elements
I = 50

## coefficient functions
beta1 = function(t) { 1 }
beta2 = function(t) { cos(2*t*pi) }
psi1 = function(t) { sin(2*t*pi) }

## generate subjects and observation times
concurrent_data = 
    subj = rep(1:I, each = 20)
  ) %>%
  mutate(time = runif(dim(.)[1])) %>%
  arrange(subj, time) %>%
  group_by(subj) %>%
    mutate(Cov_1 = runif(1, .5, 1.5) * sin(2 * pi * time),
           Cov_2 = runif(1, 0, 1) + runif(1, -.5, 2) * time,
                 FPC_score = rnorm(1, 0, .5),
           Y = Cov_1 * beta1(time) + 
               Cov_2 * beta2(time) +
                       FPC_score * psi1(time) + 
               rnorm(20, 0, .5)) %>%
  ungroup() %>%
    dplyr::select(subj, time, Y, everything())

superfulous_covariates = matrix(rnorm(18 * I * 20), nrow = I * 20, ncol = 18)
colnames(superfulous_covariates) = paste0("Cov_", 3:20)

concurrent_data = bind_cols(concurrent_data,

The plot below shows the first two predictors and the response, highlighting four subjects.

## Attaching package: 'gridExtra'
## The following object is masked from 'package:dplyr':
##     combine

To fit the functional linear concurrent model with variable selection, we can use vbvs_concurrent.

fit_vbvs = vbvs_concurrent(Y ~ Cov_1 + Cov_2 + Cov_3 + Cov_4 + Cov_5 + 
                                                     Cov_6 + Cov_7 + Cov_8 + Cov_9 + Cov_10 + 
                                                     Cov_11 + Cov_12 + Cov_13 + Cov_14 + Cov_15 + 
                                                     Cov_16 + Cov_17 + Cov_18 + Cov_19 + Cov_20 | time, 
                                                     id.var = "subj", data = concurrent_data, 
                           t.min = 0, t.max = 1, standardized = TRUE)
## Constructing Xstar; doing data organization 
## Beginning Algorithm 
## ..........

The plot below shows true coefficients and estimates without using variable selection.

Interactive graphics show observed data, coefficient functions, and residual curves. The code below will produce such a graphic. As noted in the slides, this approach also uses FPCA to decompose residual curves as part of the overall model fitting; this decomposition can be viewed using the tool we saw previously.


Try it yourself!

As in all other examples, the preceding approach has tuning parameters. These can be set by hand using the v0 argument to the vbvs_concurrent function. There is also a cv_vbvs_concurrent function, and versions without variable selection.

As an alternative to the functional linear concurrent model, note that the functional linear model is a special case; by carefully constructing the data frame containing predictions, vbvs_concurrent can be used for variable selection in that setting, and is interesting to compare to other methods we’ve seen so far.